Winter projects are moving right along this year. Over the past winters we have performed our spring greens aerification during the winter. We have experimented with different techniques so we can achieve our USGA recommended 20% surface disruption. During this time we exercise the most disruption allowing us to achieve our goals. This is very important during this time, our member play is down and we do close the greens for these agronomic programs. This year we opted to target the top 1 inch of the green surface. We regularly test the top 4 inches and our test concluded we needed to be target the top. We used a machine that slices a 1 inch deep line and then is filled with sand right behind the unit. This is a wonderful way to have firm and fast greens during the summer months. For our second program, we will use our deep tine machine that will poke a hole 12 inches deep. We then will drop a line of sand and manually broom into the holes. This will help with drainage and increase the rooting on the greens. Once the deep tine program is complete (fingers crossed by next week), we will cover the greens until sometime in mid-March.
Other notable Projects:
- Golf Course wide tree pruning. This will increase sight lines, shade mitigation and improve air flow.
- Curbs have been installed on 3 green, 4 green 5 green, 18 green, 9 green, and 10 tee along the cart path edge. This will cut down on wear and the staff having to repair every year.
- Fairways have been verti-cut, aerified, and top dressed and currently we are finishing up the deep tine.
- Rough has been aerified
- The rough around #5 green has been replaced with new sod.
- Our new tee on #17 is coming along nicely and we hope to have this completed by March.
The Graden Machine in Action |
Pushing off left over debris |
Deep tine machine going 12 inches deep |
Sand ready to be pushed into the holes |
Finished product |
#18 green side curb addition |
#10 Tee curb addition |