Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crazy Monday!

Its a good feeling to get back in the swing of things and today was no exception. We finished aerifying the greens on the back, this is round one. Next we will blow the holes clean and begin the top dressing process. For the front side we will wait until after any rain on Wednesday and proceed with the same process on the front. Our new irrigation main line line just passed the gas lines and they should have that completed today.  The polymer spray team for the bunkers returned to finish spraying #18 and all of #9, today their goal is to spray #10 and move to #8 and #7 weather permitting. Remember this stuff needs to be dry to spray and this time of year it can be very difficult until the conditions are just right. We had a little pipe issues with our pond and that also has been taken care of, we took advantage of this fix to clean our intake screen for the irrigation system and everything looks intact from 1993. All of the old bunker sand has been removed from #7 and #8 and the team will be working on removing the sand on #5 today.

We got smart and started to fill up our top dresser with
cores from the green.

Then we started to blow them out in the fairway,  once
dry we will drag the sand off them and blow of the organic
material. This will put back sand in the fairway and
decrease the amount of material we bring back to dump.

Bunker Polymer Application

New Irrigation Main line install

#7 right green side bunker

#7 left approach bunker