Friday, August 23, 2013

Course Update

Our intermediate sod project progressed nicely but we were just a few pallets short of finishing #5. Our plan next week is to continue on to the next planned holes and once we order sod we will take a few pallets to #5. And again the reason why we are doing this is because we want to be environmentally friendly by installing the proper grasses for our area and reduces our inputs into the environment.

As you can see this intermediate has been destroyed by
disease. (picture taken from #5) Notice the unaffected grass on
the left, this is tall fescue.

This is #2 completed.

On a side note I was watching a member of our staff changing the practice green cups and had a photo opportunity to explain even further on why we aerify the way that we do. In the picture is a hole made from a cup cutter and it shows the sand channels that we made. The darker material is precisely what we are trying to dilute.

You can see the new white sand channels