Thursday, January 17, 2013

17 Green Update

The drainage project has been completed on both sides of the green and we are well on our way into the next phase. This phase consist of installing 400 feet of drainage in the approach that will also be wrapped around the left side of the green in the rough. These areas are down hill and water moves freely settling in the approach and left of the green. When you have saturated conditions over time the ground becomes compacted and oxygen levels are depleted for the roots to grow. There is a black layer that forms because of the lack of oxygen which has a sulfurous smell to it. This is definitely a sign that remediation needs to take place. We hope to be completed with this drainage install by tomorrow, once complete we will aerify and verti-quake the rough and cover everything for the winter.
17 Green left smile drain
Tamping the sand
Front of 17 green complete
17 Green right side smile drain install

Trenching the approach drainage