Monday, August 30, 2010

What are all the brown spots in the Rough and Intermediate?

This is a question that I know will get asked so I here I will explain. When the course was built there was some Bermuda that was either left, uncovered or carried in and they have really made themselves evident because of the extreme heat that they do so love. It is a very vigorous weed here and can balloon into a bigger spot before you can realize what happened. There is no chemical on the market that has a 100% control but there is a way to selectively keep it at bay and in the best cases actually decrease the size over time. I do not think we will ever completely get rid of this but with do diligence we should have less and less each year. Unfortunately this year the Bermuda has been winning in some areas. But we will not give up with out a fight. So we are spraying these areas that will turn the foliage brown and eventually wither away. This by no means will eradicate it but will weaken it going into winter which it has to fight to stay alive. So you will notice these area in the rough and intermediate for a while until we are ready to seed back into with the grasses that we prefer. As for the areas in the fairways we are going to round-up, as soon as we feel there is decent control we will replace with bent grass sod. Once again you will notice these areas in the fairways but we feel over time this will be our best option. If we choose to not do anything we could eventually end up with Bermuda fairways. These picture were taken in the rough and intermediate.