We have successfully made it through the Mens and Ladies Member Guest with a few more tournaments to go and before you know it we will be aerifying the greens here in August. Some notable topics, our third and sixth green have been doing well, but ultimately we have been fighting a battle where we had removed the sod for the drainage repairs. We new this was going to be an issue going into the summer so we are doing everything we can to limit the amount of turf loss in these areas. What essentially has happened is we cut off the roots when the sod was removed and trying to grow new roots at that time of year can be a problem until we get into cooler temperatures.
The intermediate and the rough have been sprayed to suppress bermuda grass encroachment, the white areas that you see is bermuda grass contamination. Our goal is to keep the bermuda from growing and taking over the existing rough. Some areas are not as bad but the areas that contain more bermuda we will seed tall fescue. The goal is to do a slow conversion from bermuda grass to tall fescue with out effecting play.
Right side of #1 rough |
Close up of the bermuda in the intermediate around the fairway |
#10 Right side rough |