It is official, Its cold outside! The top dressing program is moving along as planned we have completed the back 9 and we are currently on #9 fairway. We are in the time frame now that it takes longer to get things done because of the extended frost delays. In the photo to the right is a before picture. You can see the forced drain installed by using the pavers. This drain also dumped into the bunker drainage clogging the internal drainage. What we did was relocate the drain on the path and diverted it into a fairway drain properly. The second photo is the completed section and all that is left to do is tie in the rough with the new curb. A note on the bunker status for the winter. Because we are now experiencing temperatures below freezing the bunkers are
also freezing as well. This does not allow us to rake them

in the mornings, so they will play extremely hard until thawed out. I ordered another truck of bentgrass sod to continue removing the bermuda in the fairways. The fairways that we concentrated on were #3 and #11 and continuing on to #7 next week. But for now we want to get as much done before any kind of major snow storm hits delaying our winter projects.