The past few days we have seen large amounts of rain that total over 7 inches. The golf course faired well with excluding the bunkers. Currently we have a few more holes to go but will be done by Saturday Morning, if not Friday afternoon. You may have noticed some construction activities going around the 18th green as well as near the pump house in the native area. The City of Rockville has permanently removed a valve off of our property and we have abandoned the club house water line that runs under the 18th green. It seems a few years back there was a rupture behind the green and by abandoning the line we will not risk another rupture which could jeopardize the green itself incurring thousands of dollars to fix. As shown below. The second picture is the relocation of our domestic water source and we hope to have this completed on Monday.

We have made little progress on the new red tee on the 16th hole, we plan to be complete by November 1st but rather will open starting opening day of next year. This morning we pushed to seed more of the rough i.e. #17 rough. Although unsightly this is what we want for a good seed to soil contact. With many projects coming our way we will work hard as to not impact your round of golf. So thank you for your patience.