Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Greens Aerification Update
With the recent weather that we have been having in the past few weeks, mother nature has not been so kind. Because of the heavy rain we had over the weekend followed by the start of our greens aerification it has made it extremely difficult to clean up the greens. And to top that all off, the sun has not been out very much. Dry soils and sun are the key ingredient to accomplishing our goals efficiently. But we can not wait around and we keep pushing on. We now have resorted to blasting water down on the green to clear the holes. This will allow the green to accept the top dressing sand that we are going to put down.We are starting our tee aerification today and will proceed to go backwards starting on #18, I hope to have this completed by the end of the week and top dressed, if the weather cooperates. As for the greens our goals is to have them finished by today if not mid day on Thursday.