Monday, April 11, 2011

Fairway Deep Tine and Rough Aerification

Here is a few pictures of the fairway deep tine and our rough aerification program for the spring. The fairway deep tine is a slow process but the results are worth the wait. With increased rooting, improved drainage and the typical de-compaction this really serves as a valuable tool for our fairway program. We aim to go down at least 6 inches or deeper if the machine will let us. This all depends on the fairway that we are on of course. For some reason the #1 fairway feels like there is a sheet of rock under neath and only allows us to go no more than 4 inches.

Now for the muddy part of the aerification is our roughs. The process is to aerify then drag behind once the cores are dry. The trick is the cores need to be dry, with the rains that we are getting here every couple of days it makes for a long process to fully clean up. Some areas need to be raked by hand but rest assured we will have everything cleaned up as quick as we can. We thank you for your patience. One last thing that we have added to the rough process is top dressing. Yes just as we would top dress the fairways, we are doing the same to the rough. I have stock piled all of our contaminated bunker sand just for this purpose. Currently we have aerified up to #12 and includes #18. With rain expected tomorrow!