Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Course Update

This past weekend we experienced some unusually cold nights hovering very close to frosty conditions. This is a bit rare for this time of year and I do welcome that before we get into the hot temperatures.  Our summer annuals arrived last Friday and I was a little hesitant to plant due in part because of the cold nights and potential for frost injury. Now that we are past that we are in full swing, areas that have received plants are all of the tee signs on the course, the front entrance on glen mill rd, the front of the club house with many more areas to fill in. Our flowers that we use are the yellow and pink cherry lantana and the white and red green leaf begonia.

We also looked at how our rooting is and so far pretty good.  Every green is different in regards to root depth because it really depends on where that green is located. Take a green that gets full sun and good air flow and your rooting should be really good compared to a green that sits in a pocket with little sunlight and very little air flow.  Its generally common for cool season grass roots to shrink up in the summer because of the warm soil temperatures. Really when soil temps get above mid to high 80's this starts the process of root shrinkage. The longer are roots are going into the summer the better prepared we will be during the summer months.

Close to  6 inches, not to bad.