Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Project Update

We have been very busy knocking out our ever growing list before we really get into maintaining the golf course. Most recently the pool shade structures arrived in about 9 crates that ranged from 8 feet in length to 12 feet. As you are aware we were buttoning up the inside wall for the pump house and then it hit me. I can use the crates as my wall. So we proceeded to brake them down literally board by board and nail them up. This would be a very good example of recycling or re purposing this wood. While we were at the pool we installed a a little drainage and we hope that this solved this issue, it looks like there were two gutter down spouts and another drainage pipe that just converged on top of that area. A notable high light yesterday was the initial start up for our new pump station. Everything went well and we will begin the annual irrigation inspection out on the course to verify any leaks and repair them along with proper irrigation head inspections.

With our seasonal staff returning we utilized them to continue mulching of the golf course and seeding and laying down straw on cart path edges and haul roads from the construction traffic. Today our goal is to aerify as many Tees as possible with an end goal of having them top dressed by tomorrow afternoon.

This past weekend we received rain to sleet to snow in a matter of two days that accumulated about 2.5 inches. And once again the bunkers held up great.

This picture speaks for itself after 2.5 inches.

In case any body forgot why we are redoing the bunkers,
this was taken last year after the same amount of rain fall.
Same bunker behind #9 green.

Shade structure crates

Crate material being installed

This is inside the cabinet for the pump station, LED lights
are installed, pretty amazing.

The pump station touch screen that shows the vitals.

Pool gutter drainage