This time last year we had an early warm up and we are actually experiencing what a typical March would feel like. The staff has been busy repairing the bunkers and then circling back to start the process of edging, checking depths, adding sand and tamping the faces. We were held up a little this week because of the night temperatures freezing the ground but we managed to knock out a few. We will work hard on this so we can complete them in a timely fashion weather permitting.
Our mulch program is in full swing, you may notice that there are mulch beds near the path that have been mulched but others away from the path have not. Because we cannot work on the grass when it is frozen or frosty we keep the guys moving in the morning mulching beds that are adjacent to the path. Our greens irrigation head leveling project is taking place with just a few more to go on the front. The fairways have already been top dressed but we made the decision that some of them needed a lot more sand to help smooth them out and aid in drainage. These fairways are typically our wettest ones throughout the year.
Leveling irrigation heads |
Prepping the mulch beds for mulch with a crisp edge |
Blowing the heavy top dressing application on
#10 Fairway. |
Adding Bunker Sand |
Utilizing our new top dresser to add bunker sand. |