The rough on #8 has been finished with the seeding and the rough on 7 is coming along with only just being 1 week from our initial seed date. As you can see in the photos things are progressing nicely and will be on there way in a couple of weeks. We will start next week on our intermediate areas around the fairways with seed and rough spots going #1 forward.
Greens are recovering very nicely and speeds are slowly building. Things took a bit longer because we had to vacuum them but all in all most of them are 100%. Last Tuesday we performed a verti-cut on the greens and this will in turn maker them slower, and with a few more mowing's they will begin to roll better. Again verti-cutting is a process where we cut down into the plant to remove the laid over plant tissue as compared to a reel mower that is only cutting what sticks up.
Verti-cutting process
Look closely and you can see the clumps of grass that the vert-cutter has removed |
7 rough near bathroom, seedlings in a line |
7 intermediate in front of fairway |
Ground level with seedlings popping up |