Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Greens Aeration

On Monday we completed our spring coring of the greens and it went really well, maybe the best we have ever done. It all starts out the week before where we go and sample areas of the greens to get a good baseline on how deep we need to go to remove the core as seen in the photo. We do this on all of the greens because each one may very. As 5am Monday morning rolls around we are out in the dark getting a head start with a light that we mounted to see the pass. Once the staff shows up we begin to remove the cores and blow the holes clean for the new sand to fall into. One thing that we did differently here was used a demo brush to help move the sand into the holes and clean the surface. I would say that I was very impressed of this piece of equipment not only did it work the sand evenly but it did the job of 7 people blowing the greens.  We still have a few more things to complete on them such as rolling them out, this will be started today and go into Wednesday, we have to do this when dry or there will be sand displaced all over the green. So bumpy for now but will improve in the days to follow. The Care of Trees was here also pruning the dead wood out of the significant trees on number 5 as well as installing lightning protection.
Depth Check
Removing the cores from the green

Here we are blowing the holes clean until acceptable
Adding sand to fill the holes
Demo turf brush to fill the holes