With the weather this week one can only feel that summer is around the corner. We are experiencing warmer temperatures than normal and it really shows on the the amount of play that has been coming through. You may have already noticed but work is being perform on #13 green side bunkers. Here we are re-claiming the original edge and adding bunker liner to the top face of the bunker. The liner will help with wash outs and sand contamination from the clay bottom. The greens have received there first mowing last week and second today and they are really starting to green up with the warm weather. Greens 2,3,6,8 are now open for play with just a little more healing to go on #2 and #3. As always take the extra time to fix your ball mark and one other. This past weekend did not fare well on this when we stepped on the greens Monday morning. We intend to have a good season as it relates to ball marks and hope that every one can keep an eye out.
13 rt side bunker prep
Removing sand from the face to prepare for the liner |