Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tee Update and 8 green complex update

Last week we started to re-align the tees that have gotten out of square and edges that have been contaminated with bent-grass from divots. As you can see in the photos not a hard process but a meticulous one because the sod will never lie when it comes to two different grasses meeting creating a straight line. We hope to be done with the front 9 this week.

Our second major project is the shifting of the greens loop on #8 green. Currently we have two heads that are in the middle of the green approach about 4 feet from the green. In order to install this properly virtually the entire irrigation pipe has to be hand dug where we will lift and move the pipe and re-set all of the heads around the green. This will insure that our irrigation coverage will not be compromised. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Project Updates

As I am typing this it is blistering cold out there, if not for the wind it would not be such a bad day. But none the less we are pressing on with our winter projects. The fairway top dressing is moving along, with a few set backs such as blown tires and main support beam that separated it self, the back nine almost complete. As you may be aware we have closed #6 and #8 greens for the year. With the amount of work that needs to be done in front of these holes it was our best option in terms of safety. Since they are closed we went ahead and aerified them to keep on improving the sand profile. 
9 fairway
With that said we are close to finishing the leveling of the low areas on #9 fairway and installing drainage to pick up the water that sits on the path. We hope to  to have this completed  tomorrow. The front of the 6th green is getting a makeover with the releveling of the approach to the green along with some water diversion areas that will take place in the next 2 weeks. Starting next week the irrigation loop on #8 will be dug up and moved to situate the two heads out of the middle of the approach. At the same time there will be a rather large drainage install going on in the approach. As you can see the approach marked with red paint.

8 approach
You may remember when I brought up the fact that we top dress the rough with the contaminated bunker sand that we pull out after major storms. Well over time this gets even more contaminated with large rocks and even asphalt that is coming apart at the shop. Every time we would top dress there was a rock detail party sent out to collect them. And not to mention damage that it sometimes can do to the spinners. We had done some research and found a company that rents screens for this purpose. In the photo you can see that job taking place and it worked very well for us. The stock pile that has accumulated is around 200 tons and yes all of it was screened! So when we are not top dressing fairways we are top dressing rough. 

Stay tuned for more updates and new projects.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Pro Tee #18

In an effort to increase the over all yardage from the gold tees we have built a new tee on #18. The existing tee is  at 461 yards and the new tee is at 491 yards. We have laid low mow blue grass as the tee surface and will intersead rye grass on the surface next year. Because of the tremendous amount of shade bent grass would just not do very well in this area. If you choose to play from this Tee you will enjoy the view!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fairway Top Dressing

Its that time of year when we begin our annual fairway top dressing. We have already started on #18 and will proceed backwards. You also may have noticed some work being done on #9 fairway. At the beginning of the fairway we are raising and tieing in the low area. Last but not least leaf cleanup is still on going and thank you for your patience. Please stay tuned for more project updates.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Course Update

On hole #6 we have started to drill and fill the walk on area leading up to the green. With the heavy compaction that we have here grass does not grow well and eventually wears out. We will drill down to 6-8 inches and back fill the fill with sand. You can see in the photos that the guys follow a pattern and once complete they move the board over and start again.We will be able to promote air and water exchange and reduce the incidence of compaction with this method and a much better playable surface.

Finished Area