Monday, October 11, 2010
Course Update
These are the days that I really enjoy, no I am not talking about the weather but the amount of work that we can accomplish. It seems that for the past three weeks it has rained on Monday making my plans for the week turn upside down. But not today! The greens were verti-cut and top dressed. We do this so that they will put smooth as well as incorporate sand into the profile to make them firm. The sand should disappear in a few days. The continuing saga of sod was also accomplished on number 1 cart path edge and will move on to other areas of concern. The next big task is fertilizing the rough, things are going really well and will have the front 9 completed today and will finish up the back nine tomorrow. We are seeding the intermediate! This makes for a good color transition as well as gain some grass in the areas that were contaminated with Bermuda. If the weather holds true this week we should see germination this weekend. As for future immediate plans, install drainage and add sand on the new ladies tee on number 16, with the hopes of sodding this week and top dress the rough.