Thursday, October 24, 2013

Course Update

We have been moving right along with our rough sod project. We have stripped #13 intermediate along with various large areas on #11 making our way around the back nine. We have a sod truck this morning that should replace most of it, if we are short we already have another truck of sod planned for next week. The temperatures are becoming much colder every day and more and more leaves are falling. It is a constant battle that has only just begun, please bare with us as we move through the golf course on a daily basis. 

#6 Intermediate, sod complete

#13 Intermediate stripped and ready for sod

#11 Right of green complex, ready for sod

#2 Intermediate walk path, tall fescue mowed
at 1 inch. This is what we are striving for.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Last week we received close to 6 inches of rain that was needed to re-hydrate the golf course. Hopefully it was our last hooray on the bunker wash outs, but out with the old and in with the new. If some of you are not aware of the start date for the bunker project it is scheduled for November 4th and will go through out the winter. There will be extensive coverage of this process on the blog so please stay tuned. This week the staff has been busy laying sod in the rough working on holes 9-11 and mowing as much as possible. Next week we will continue to move through the back nine laying sod in various areas.

On a personal note, I have been out this week helping my wife with the birth of our daughter Hadley, everything couldn't be better!