Thursday, January 24, 2013

Course Update

Today we woke up to about less than an inch of snow with a few more inches projected in the next few days. At this time the course will remain closed until the snow melts.

With that being said we have completed our main objectives on number 17 with just a few more things to finish.

A recap on the repairs and added drainage.

1. The green main line did not have adequate fall to leave the green.
2. The mainline coming out of the green in the approach was not draining and water sitting in the pipe.
Note water in pipe

3. Smile drains needed to be installed in the front and the right side of the green.
4. Rough and Approach Drainage install
5. Raised drain basins next to Tees
6. Water diversion in progress
7. Head leveling in progress
8. Bunker repair and redefining the edge in progress
9. Possible install of another drain basin next to path near blue tee

After we had completed the green drainage repair and addition we also installed close to 400 feet of drainage in the left side rough coming down into the approach. This was necessary because of the amount of water that comes off the cart path down the hill and would congregate next to the green and the rest would flow through the approach. We should have great results from this install and actually grow grass in the adjacent rough left of the green.

Prepped for trenching

Trenching the lines

Pipe and gravel install

Sand added and tamped followed by sod installation

We aerified  and seeded the rough and applied a good amount of top
dressing. This area is now covered until March.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

17 Green Update

The drainage project has been completed on both sides of the green and we are well on our way into the next phase. This phase consist of installing 400 feet of drainage in the approach that will also be wrapped around the left side of the green in the rough. These areas are down hill and water moves freely settling in the approach and left of the green. When you have saturated conditions over time the ground becomes compacted and oxygen levels are depleted for the roots to grow. There is a black layer that forms because of the lack of oxygen which has a sulfurous smell to it. This is definitely a sign that remediation needs to take place. We hope to be completed with this drainage install by tomorrow, once complete we will aerify and verti-quake the rough and cover everything for the winter.
17 Green left smile drain
Tamping the sand
Front of 17 green complete
17 Green right side smile drain install

Trenching the approach drainage

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Course Update

We have made great progress on the third green and that is now finished. Currently we are working on the 17th green inspecting and forming a game plan on the repairs that we need to do. We know that we will install a smile drain on both sides with a good amount of drainage in the left side rough as well as the approach, the clean outs have been found at the back of the green and have been properly installed. Today we have rented a camera that will give us a better idea on what we cant see and hope that the repairs are minimal. Our fairway top dressing program is moving right along in conjunction with our verti-quake program in the rough. Once complete with this we will solid tine right behind. 

Please note the greens are closed and there are temporary cups in the fairway. I know that we have some warm weather coming but we need to look at the bigger picture and keep them closed. Ball marks do not heal this time of year and when the spring time comes we would be looking at ball marks for a long time. We also keep them closed to minimize any poa that might have a chance to germinate in a ball mark or exposed ground as well as soft ground from the freezing and thawing that would damage the root systems, or shear off the roots. The 17th green is closed because of the proximity of our work and the safety of the crew.

Bunkers have a few wash outs and will be repaired as time permits, there have been numerous times that the sand was frozen and at that point you cannot move the sand back to the top. Stay tuned for more progress to come.

3 green finished

17 green, blue areas are water holding spots

17 green left side main line inspection

Picture above but in the hole, please note the standing water

Proposed approach drainage